I should be dancing? yeah? maybe not
So, it is Saturday night and I'm home alone and...wait for it... I couldn't be happier. Last night i had the immense pleasure of enjoying Ian Rankin's talk at the Sydney Writer's festival, tomorrow night I intend to hit up Oliver Stone at Vivid Ideas and tonight... Nada. Just me, a bottle of 7 Fuentes (from Tenerife no less) and some quality TV. Yes, sheer bliss.
As much as I have nothing but the utmost love for my friends and family, sometimes it is a delight to have some solo down time. I say that for about five minutes and then I'm probably craving some company, if only to ignore it.
I've become one of those annoying people I used to hate and am likely to recommend yoga as the solution to all ills within 5 minutes of any serious conversation. I felt the same guilt when I became gluten intolerant. What can I say? First world problems.
This week has had some really horrible news and I'm all updated out.Whenever some horrific event occurs I'm guilty of constantly refreshing every feed, every news source, looking for updates and all it does is make me miserable. I just want to opt out of all the bad things and live in blissful denial. Perhaps I should start some kind of cult with that agenda, I'd certainly like the tax free status.
There are some tantalising pages of the book I'm reading still to be read, and the bottle of red is amazingly empty. Thus, I bid you a fond goodnight and hope your evening if brim full of pleasant dreams.
Night all.
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