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Do we need a Dynasty Reboot and seriously, what a week!

In fact, do we really need any kind of re-boot? I'm all for original content. Certainly some might say there's nothing new under the sun; and yet novel ideas still appear. You can take the oldest myths and legends, rather like Neil Gaiman with American Gods  and still provide a fresh and original take. Alternatively you can remake a seminal tv show or film and add nothing more than slightly more 'between the sheets' action and less class. I'm happy to be proved wrong and I guess time will be the test. That being said, my first thought is that the trailer looks a little tacky. Exhibit A:
My main quibble is the lack of Joan Collins. She is amazing. Even her five minutes of screen time on The Royals  is must see viewing.How can they ever hope to compete with the champagne swilling, canapĂ© snacking brilliance of Alexis?
Exhibit B:
Who can deny the wig clad brilliance of Joan? She's even great live; I once had the pleasure of attending one of her talk-fest evenings and it was a delight. I was possibly the youngest straight person in the room, I think that just added to the awesome atmosphere. She is a delightful raconteur.

Perhaps I am a little jaded due to the recent release of Alien: Covenant, a film which I had so looked forward to and was so bitterly disappointed by. It even managed to quell my, I thought unquenchable, lust for Fassbender. I can't even look at him at this point without an uncomfortable feeling at the pit of my stomach. Here's hoping that the new Blade Runner  reboot ( another reboot - seriously) isn't of the same ilk.

This week has been full of the kind of news stories that beggar belief. The passing of Chris Cornell was a true loss and I've had Black Hole Sun  stuck in my head on repeat. He was also responsible for one of the best modern Bond themes
RIP Chris, we all know your name.

Ignoring all the ongoing saga in America with the orange hued one, tonight's news flash that Julian Assange's rape investigation has been dropped after 7 years is astounding  It seems he may have won a war of attrition and I wonder what that means for the Ecuadorian embassy, for Wikileaks and for whistle blowers in general. Is the role of a whistle blower redundant in today's "fake news" narrative? These are certainly interesting times.

Finally, I'll leave you with a palate cleanser. The angelic looking Elle Fanning's glorious unicorn covered Cannes confection:

Night all x


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