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Showing posts from May, 2017

Saturday night

I should be dancing? yeah? maybe not So, it is Saturday night and I'm home alone and...wait for it... I couldn't be happier. Last night i had the immense pleasure of enjoying Ian Rankin's talk at the Sydney Writer's festival, tomorrow night I intend to hit up Oliver Stone at Vivid Ideas and tonight... Nada. Just me, a bottle of 7 Fuentes (from Tenerife no less) and some quality TV. Yes, sheer bliss. As much as I have nothing but the utmost love for my friends and family, sometimes it is a delight to have some solo down time. I say that for about five minutes and then I'm probably craving some company, if only to ignore it. I've become one of those annoying people I used to hate and am likely to recommend yoga as the solution to all ills within 5 minutes of any serious conversation. I felt the same guilt when I became gluten intolerant. What can I say? First world problems. This week has had some really horrible news and I'm all updated out.W...

Do we need a Dynasty Reboot and seriously, what a week!

In fact, do we really need any kind of re-boot? I'm all for original content. Certainly some might say there's nothing new under the sun; and yet novel ideas still appear. You can take the oldest myths and legends, rather like Neil Gaiman with American Gods  and still provide a fresh and original take. Alternatively you can remake a seminal tv show or film and add nothing more than slightly more 'between the sheets' action and less class. I'm happy to be proved wrong and I guess time will be the test. That being said, my first thought is that the trailer looks a little tacky. Exhibit A: My main quibble is the lack of Joan Collins. She is amazing. Even her five minutes of screen time on The Royals  is must see viewing.How can they ever hope to compete with the champagne swilling, canapĂ© snacking brilliance of Alexis? Exhibit B: Who can deny the wig clad brilliance of Joan? She's even great live; I once had the pleasure of attending one of her talk-fest e...

Somewhere to vent and general blathering on

To all the 3 people that are going to read this.... Hi there, I was feeling a little redundant this evening and rather than burden my friends with my whinging, I thought, heck there's a whole Internet out there. Then I thought, they are really unlikely to read this. I mean super unlikely. On a scale of one to ten, where one is some strange guy you've never heard of and ten is say Richard Branson, this blog's meandering thoughts are likely to rank at about a 1.5 ( and I'm being generous). Tonight is inspired by a very delightful bottle of Tempranillo. My friendly wine man  (I could wax lyrical about my neighbourhood wine specialist ad infinitum) convinced me it would solve most of my problems and I certainly have recovered from the two hours spent in peak hour traffic when say half an hour's distance was covered. It is a Wednesday night and thanks to the horrendous Sydney traffic I missed my yoga class, so am feeling doubly jaded. Restorative yoga is cur...