Nothing is better for the soul than travel. It makes you appreciate the good things you have and fulfils those wishes you dream of when labouring at your desk. It reminds you what makes you feel joy and what you love irrespective of other people. Sadly it takes a few days to unwind before you can really get into the swing of things. I've had the great fortune of travelling solo many times. Perhaps I'm getting less adventurous, as I'm finding it takes a little more time to get into. The great aspects are not having any plans that you don't want to and giving into all your whims. The bad side is sitting alone in a "romantic" restaurant setting attempting to lose oneself in a book. All those concerns were thrown to the far corners of the world when I could feel the sea breeze in my hair onboard a boat. The ocean is a marvel, a terror, a wonder and a never-ending source of captivation. Duck diving with my snorkel into a foreign world of silence and ...
So, tonight, I'm a little frazzled after some crazy deadlines and unrealistic expectations on the work side of the fence. People want to bend you till you break and then bend you some more and eventually, no matter how flexible you are.. you break. So tonight, my remedy for heart ache, brain ache and just all round Seasonally Affected Disorder is to down a delightful red recommended by my lovely neighbourhood wine man and watch some trashy DVDs. That was all going swimmingly until I decided to dip my toes into rom com territory - seriously that is sooo not me. A genre that I've always had reservations with. In some instances, men I've dated ( and married) have enjoyed that particular genre more than I have. I was thinking about why that was tonight as I watched the truly god awful Bride Wars. I am so grateful that I married and divorced in my twenties - even if my mother thinks that is what broke me. It wasn't. I was broken before that blip on the radar. I'm...